Anti-Reflux Surgery
Chronic acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), can significantly impact one's quality of life. Untreated chronic acid reflux can lead to various complications and pose risks to a person's health. Here are some of the potential dangers of untreated chronic acid reflux:
Esophageal Damage: The repeated exposure of stomach acid to the lining of the esophagus can cause inflammation, leading to a condition called esophagitis. Over time, this can result in the formation of ulcers, strictures (narrowing of the esophagus), or Barrett's esophagus (precancerous changes in the cells of the esophagus).
Dental Problems: The acid from the stomach can reach the mouth and erode tooth enamel, leading to dental cavities, tooth sensitivity, and gum disease.
Respiratory Issues: Acid reflux can cause stomach acid to enter the throat and even reach the lungs, leading to persistent coughing, wheezing, asthma-like symptoms, and recurring lung infections.
Stricture Formation: Over time, chronic acid reflux can cause scar tissue to form in the esophagus, leading to the narrowing of the passage. This can result in difficulty swallowing, food getting stuck in the esophagus, and a feeling of food coming back up after swallowing.
Dental and Sinus Problems: The regurgitation of stomach acid into the throat and mouth can lead to bad breath, a persistent sour taste, and chronic sinus infections.
Increased Risk of Esophageal Cancer: Long-standing untreated GERD, especially in cases of Barrett's esophagus, increases the risk of developing esophageal adenocarcinoma, a form of cancer.
Early intervention and management of GERD can help improve symptoms, prevent further damage, and reduce the risk of complications. If lifestyle modifications and medication fail to provide sufficient relief, anti-reflux surgery may be recommended. This surgical procedure aims to correct the underlying cause of acid reflux and alleviate symptoms.

Anti-reflux surgery, also called fundoplication, involves reinforcing the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the muscle that separates the stomach from the esophagus. This helps prevent the backward flow of stomach acid and reduces acid reflux symptoms.
This minimally invasive procedure involves creating a new valve mechanism by wrapping the upper part of the stomach around the esophagus.
Benefits of Anti-Reflux Surgery:
Long-Term Symptom Relief: Anti-reflux surgery provides long-lasting relief from acid reflux symptoms, reducing the need for ongoing medication.
Improved Quality of Life: With reduced or eliminated reflux symptoms, individuals can enjoy a better quality of life, including improved sleep, reduced discomfort, and increased ability to engage in daily activities.
Anti-Reflux surgery is suitable for people who:
Experience severe or chronic GERD symptoms.
Do not achieve adequate symptom relief with medications.
Want to reduce or eliminate dependence on medication.